Lets see the result of last post about the hantaran DIY here :) For food like cake,chocolate and fruits still not done yet. Not so 'wow' , but I proud that I did it 😃 .
Lets see the result of last post about the hantaran DIY here :) For food like cake,chocolate and fruits still not done yet. Not so 'wow' , but I proud that I did it 😃 .
Lets start doing the alas hantaran for the engangement. 😃
Disebabkan aku seorang yang tersangat lah save budget person, so I decided to diy my hantaran. Memang banyak jimat berbanding upah atau beli siap, tapi mestilah rajin ok.
I bought my hantaran item at different shop to compare the prize. For gabus and wrapper I bought at wedding store near the GM Klang. The price quite expensive. For dulang I bought at GM, 3 for RM 10. The "bunga-bunga cinta" I use crepe paper flower,pastel blue and lavender colour. 2 bulan jugak lah nak siap kan. ðŸ˜
Dan hasilnya adalah seperti dalam gambar. Hehehe. Hasil gubahan sepenuhnya kita update lain kali ye. :)
Hye Peeps,
Lets talk about wedding theme colour :). I love peach and pastel colours. As I have been propose...hehehe...first step I think is the theme colour I want to choose. I am thinking to choose peach and brown or peach n gold :)