Monday 30 December 2019

HR Info : What to do if Foreign Workers PLKS cannot be renew?Special Pass!

They are time sometimes the PLKS cannot be renew on time for some reason. Some of the reason :

1) Passport expired less than 1 year from the permit expiry date
2) FOMEMA result late
3) Overlooked the expiry date

If this happen you can apply for a Special Pass or Pas Khas at immigration counter BUT make sure the expiry date is within 7 days when you make the submission over counter.

I am not familiar with other state regulation, but as far that I know for Selangor & Putrajaya Immigration the Special Pass application only can be made AFTER the expiry date of the PLKS. For example :

The last day of the permit is 07/08/2018, then on 08/08/2018 only Employer can apply for SP

You just need to bring following documents to the counter and make sure you are the EMPLOYER or EMPLOYER REPRESENTATIVE. The workers cannot apply by himself.

1) Passport Original
2) Application letter of Special Pass with workers details and the reason of the delayed permit renewal
3) Authorized letter if you are the Employer representative
4) SSM documents (Form 49,9,13,24)
5) Employer IC copy
6) Employer represantative IC copy if not the employer himself submit the application.
7) Latest EPF statement that show the employer representative name
8) Special Pass Form (can ask from counter)
9) Cash RM 100 per workers

The Special Pass normally valid for 30 days. Then you need to settle everything and submit for renewal before the expiry date.

Tuesday 2 April 2019

HR Info : Show Cause Letter

A show cause letter is a written notice asking the employee to explain or to "show cause" why he should not be given disciplinary action given what he did or did not do. In some company, the show cause letter itself serves as the first notice.

A show cause letter will indicate the start of a domestic inquiry. Needless to say, the issuance and handling of such a letter need to be dealt with in a subtle and diligent manner, as it is a very delicate and sensitive issue. However, before the letter is issued, the HR department must make every effort to contact the accused worker for a proper, professional discussion on the matter; this is to allow the accused party's side of the story, preventing any form of victimization from occurring. From then on, it can be determined if there is a case to act upon. As such, a show cause letter is only reserved as an absolute last resort, when the particulars of a case have escalated to the point where a domestic inquiry becomes necessary.

A sample of Show Cause Letter for reference :


Friday 22 March 2019

Travel Itinerary : Sabah Day 1 (KK)


I just back from Sabah!

Ni kira plan mengejut jugak lah, plan and bought the flight ticket on January 2019.  Flight beli dengan Airasia satu family total RM 258 x 3 pax + luggage 20KG RM 74.55 = RM 848.55. Kami ambil flight pagi depart pukul 10.20 a.m. Tapi Airasia memang terkenal dengan flight delayed, so kami terbang pukul 11.00 a.m.

Sampai KK Airport lebih kurang pukul 1.15 p.m. Terus pergi ambik kereta yang dah booked through Easybook sebab ada point so boleh redeem. Nama company kereta sewa tu Epta Travel, kaunter dekat dalam KKIA tu jugak. Kami ambil kereta Saga tahun 2010 dengan rate RM 117.00/day.

Lepas dapat kereta terus menuju hotel Promenade Service Apartment untuk check in. Tapi tak recommended lah sebab dia service apartment, so bercampur dengan rumah orang. Then jalan nak ke bilik pon agak sunyi dan kotor. Book dekat situ sebab murah dan dekat dengan pasar filipin,then the reviews at the Agoda (we booked through Agoda) is quite good. Maybe sebab kitorang dapat bangunan lama kot. Lepas rehatkan diri kitorang pergi cari makanan dekat Pasar Filipin, memang banyak seafood fresh dekat sini tapi kitorang makan dekat KK Waterfront foodcourt sebab tak selesa makan dalam pasar tu. Lagi satu kononya nak makan sambil tengok sunset.. heehee.. Seafood diorang memang fresh, tapi masakan kurang menepati selera 😁. 

Lepas makan kitorang gerak ke light festival, Oceanus Mall. Kitorang jalan kaki je sebab nak save duit minyak kereta untuk ke Kundasang esoknya 😊. Pukul 8.30 macam tu kami balik ke hotel sebab penat pagi tu pon tak habis lagi... Isyraf je yang recharge.. haha.. 
Esoknya ke Kundasang kita cerita next post ya. 😊

Thursday 14 March 2019



Pernah dengar Alahan Susu Lembu?Isyraf salah seorang bayi yang allergic to cow's milk. Semua yang ada kandungan susu lembu akan buat dia ruam atau muntah. Sekarang dah masuk 2 tahun 2 bulan he is getting better, tapi still bila dia makan makanan yang ada dairy milk akan naik ruam sekeliling mulut. Kalau dulu if he consume any cow's milk product, he will vomit like Niagara Fall..seriously...hehehe

Apa itu Alahan Protein Susu Lembu?

Tindak balas luar biasa yang berlaku apabila tubuh kita terdedah kepada protein susu lembu. Tindak balas ini dicetuskan oleh sistem imunisasi tubuh kita dan oleh itu boleh menjejaskan pelbagai bahagian dalam tubuh kita; seperti kulit, paru-paru dan usus.


Biasanya bayi dengan alahan susu akan mengalami lebih daripada dua simptom pada dua sistem organnya:
  • gastrousus (cirit-birit, loya, muntah-muntah);
  • kulit (angioderma, dermatitis, ekzema, gatal-gatal);
  • pernafasan (asma, batuk, rinitis, berdehit).

Untuk Isyraf, masa umur bawah 8 bulan dia kan muntah kalau dia consume dairy products. Tapi bila umur dia dah 8 bulan ke atas dia just naik ruam kalau ter consume dairies, and kadang - kadang akan demam dan batuk. Kami memang bagi dia susu soya Dupro Soy since 3 bulan (campur dengan breastfeed, dont judge ok? )

Alahan susu lembu ni memang tak ada ubat dan biasanya akan pulih bila dia dah masuk 4 - 5 tahun. Tapi ada potensi alergic tu tak hilang kalau :

1) Ibu bapa ada allergic 
2) Anak yang ada Eczema, Asthma & resdung

Imej yang berkaitan

Monday 2 July 2018



Hari Khamis lepas ambik cuti sehari untuk hantar mak and abah ke airport. Walaupun flight pagi dan sempat nak masuk kerja tengahari tu tapi tetap ambik satu hari untuk luangkan masa dengan suami dan anak. Hehe.

Mula-mula cuma nak pergi IOI Mall Putrajaya, tapi sebab dah bosan dengan mall,terus terfikir nak pergi Zoo yang dah berkurun lama tak pergi. We arrived at 10.30 a.m. which are about 1 hour from KLIA2. As it's weekdays, many parking are available. The parking fees is Rm 9.00 ++ for single entrance.

Harga tiket untuk Malaysian dewasa RM 41.50, untuk Isyraf pulak free sebab below 3 years. First masuk je dah ada yang panggil bergambar dekat diaorang punya "photobooth",lepas tu diorang akan pujuk korang untuk beli gambar-gambar yang diorang dah snap. Kat sini korang kena pandai kalis lah kalau tak nak beli,macam kitorang terbang RM 135 untuk 6 gambar and soft copy. huhuhu

Pertunjukan binatang setiap hari pukul 11 a.m., kitorang sampai lambat sikit dekat situ, dan tak sempat ambil gambar sebab leka sangat with the show. Kat sini ada disediakan tram (bas mini tu) cas RM 8 kalau tak silap. Kitorang just jalan kaki je,lagi best walaupun berlecak ketiak. haha. Zoo ni memang besar, kalau dukung budak boleh senget pinggang. Banyak tandas disediakan kat sini,so kalau kuat kencing ke cirit birit dont worry. Surau pun ada kalau nak solat.

Bagi kitorang OK sangat Zoo negara kita. Harga tiket tu pon berbaloi lah dengan tempat dia yang besar and kemudahan yang ada. Kalau tak dari tiket tu macam mana pengurusan nak survive for the animals food right?

Bear face ;P
paling lama stop dekat Giraffe 

Sunday 15 April 2018

2 years of marriage:what I learned?

It's been 2 years me & husband get married. Alhamdulillah, dikurniakan seorang anak lelaki. Baru 2 tahun, tak layak rasanya nak bercerita pasal rumah tangga. Masih terlalu awal untuk cerita soal perkahwinan.
Tapi tak salah rasanya membuka mata pasangan-pasangan di luar sana yang perkahwinan bukanlah sesuatu yang mudah. Sepanjang berkahwin banyak benda yang kita akan pelajari. It is like a "on job training", the more you going through , the more you know how to handle it.
I know my husband for 7 year before we decided to get married, yet still many thing I have to learn about him, and same goes to him. Having baby make us more tolerate between each other. Before you get married, please make sure that you are not only ready to cook, wash, and etc. But please make sure you are ready to understand, tolerate, being logic, handle your anger and low down your ego. 樂

Thursday 12 April 2018

HR Info : How to Apply Check Out Memo?

How to Apply Check Out Memo for Foreign Workers return to Their Country?


For every foreign workers/maid going back to their country of origin for goods, employer need to issue a Check Out Memo for them as a proof they are going back to their country and to erase their record in immigration system. Check Out Memo are available to issue at Immigration Department (foreign workers unit) in every state.

For Selangor Immigration Department, the documents are as follows :-

1)Authorized & Application Letter (state the workers name & Passport No)
2)Workers passport copies
3)Flight Ticket (confirmed)
4) Form 49,24,13,9 of the company
5)IC copy director & Wakil Majikan
6)Copy of  KWSP to show wakil majikan name
7)Original Passport
8) Yellow Card copy and original

for Selangor branch, for check out memo issuance need at least 14 weeks before flight date. This is due to avoid cancellation on flight and check out memo.

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